My heart keeps within itself an infinite number of his mercies. It knows that it doesn't have any thing of value with which to glorify itself before God... When I ask God what have I done to deserve such consolations, he smiles and says repeatedly that nothing is refused to such an intercessor. In return he asks me for nothing but love, but do I not perhaps owe him this in gratitude?... He is so much in love with my heart that he makes me burn with his divine fire, with the fire of his love. What is this fire that pervades my whole being?... There are moments when I call to mind the severity of Jesus and am about to feel distressed, but then when I consider his affability I am completely consoled. I cannot help abandoning myself to this tenderness, this happiness. What is it that I feel, Father? I trust Jesus so completely that even if I were to see hell open up before me, and find myself on the brink of the abyss, I should not lose confidence. I should not despair but continue to trust in him. Such is the extent to which his meekness inspires me. Whenever I reflect on the enormous battles in which by the divine assistance I have overcome the devil, I find them innumerable. If he had not stretched forth his hand to me, perhaps I might have wavered in my faith, grown weak in hope and charity; perhaps my intelligence would have been darkened if it had not been enlightened by Jesus, the eternal Sun! I realize that all this has really been the work of his infinite love. He has never refused me any thing and indeed I must say he has given me more than I asked.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
-Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1968) was an Italian Capuchin priest who during his lifetime enjoyed a vast reputation for sanctity.
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