Thursday, October 23, 2008

He Comes for the Lost Ones

"I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."  Those were strong people who taunted Christ's disciples because their master entered the homes of the sick and ate with them.  Why, they asked, does your master eat with tax collectors and sinners?  O you strong ones who do not need the doctor!  Yours is not the strength of health but of madness!  God grant that we may never imitate that kind of strength.  We should dread the possibility of anyone wanting to imitate it.

The teacher of humility, who shared our weakness and gave us a share in his own divinity, came to earth in order to teach us the way, even to be the Way himself.  It was his humility, above all else, that he impressed upon us.  He willingly submitted to baptism at the hands of one of his servants, so that we might learn to confess our own sins and to become weak in order to be truly strong, repeating with the apostle:  "When I am weak, then I am strong."

-Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine (430) is called the Doctor of Grace.

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