Monday, October 20, 2008

Words and a Wisdom

The words that divine Wisdom communicates are not just ordinary, natural, human words; they are divine, "truly the words of God."  They are powerful, touching, piercing words, "sharper than a two-edged sword," words that go from the heart of the one through whom he speaks straight to the heart of the listener.  Solomon is referring to this gift of Wisdom he himself had received when he said that God gave him the grace to speak according to the feelings of his heart.  These are the words which our Lord promised to his apostles, "I will give you an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist..."  Eternal Wisdom, besides being the object of the eternal Father's delight, and the joy of the angels, is also the source of purest joy and consolation for man who possesses him.  He give to man a relish for everything that comes from God and makes him lose his taste for things created.  He enlightens his mind with the brightness of his own light and pours into his heart an indescribable joy, sweetness, and peace even when he is in the midst of the most harrowing grief and suffering, as Saint Paul bears witness when he exclaims, "I exceedingly abound with joy in all our tribulations" (2 Cor 7:4).

-Saint Louis de Montfort

Saint Louis de Montfort (1716) was a great French missionary preacher especially renowned for fostering devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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