Furthermore, the Father of Mercies and the God of all consolation, in his exceedingly great and Fatherly love, gave us his well-beloved Son at the time of his Incarnation, and gives him to us daily in the most Blessed Sacrament. So, too, the most Blessed Mother of Mercy and Consolation, in the boundless charity of her maternal Heart, gave us her dear Jesus at his birth, and does so continually in the Holy Eucharist, because being one with him in spirit, in love, and in will, she wills all that he wills and does all that he does.
Finally, the Eternal Father himself accomplished in the holy Heart of his beloved daughter, the glorious Virgin Mary, that which he commands all faithful souls to do when he says: "Put me as a seal upon thy heart" (Song 8: 6). With his own hand he has impressed on her Heart a perfect semblance of the divine qualities of his love, which consequently is a perfect image of the sanctity, wisdom, goodness, mercy, benignity, charity, and all the other perfections of the infinite love of our heavenly Father.
Saint John Eudes
-Saint John Eudes (1680) is largely responsible for initiating and popularizing devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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