The fear of the Lord does not originate in terror, but is based on learnings; it has nothing to do with natural timidity, but is gained by observing the commandments, following the prescriptions of a blameless life and by acquiring knowledge of the truth. For, if God is feared merely because of the numerous fires caused by lightning and the havoc wrought by thunderbolts, or because of the widespread destruction occasioned by earthquakes, when gaping chasms swallow everything up, that fear is in no way related to faith, since it is prompted by the fear of misfortune. Our fear of God, on the other hand, is wholly rooted in love; in fact, the perfect love of God puts an end to terror. This love of ours for God, moreover, is fully expressed by our obedience to his commands, our compliance with his statutes, and our confidence in his promises... Those who fear are not blessed on account of their natural timidity, which engenders fear in other men as well, nor on account of the we they feel before the One who can rightly command their awe; rather their blessing results from their walking in the ways of the Lord. Fear produces obedience, not panic; submission is the hallmark of fear.
Many indeed are the ways of the Lord, yet he himself is the Way. He called himself the Way and then explained his meaning by saying: "No one can come to the Father except through me..."
How many paths we must inquire into if we would discover the one way that is good! How many ways we must walk if we would find with the help of numerous guides the only way which leads to everlasting life!... Blessed are they who walk in them in the fear of God.
Saint Hilary of Poitiers
-Saint Hilary (367) is called the Doctor of the Divinity of Christ.
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