Dear brothers and sisters, remember that our loving Saviour has his eyes on you at this moment, and he says to each of you individually, "See how almost everyone deserts me on the royal road of the cross. Pagans in their blindness ridicule my cross as foolishness; obstinate Jews are repelled by it as by an object of horror; heretics pull it down and break it to pieces as something contemptible.
"Even my own people - and I say this with tears in my eyes and grief in my heart - my own children whom I have brought up and instructed in my ways, my members whom I have quickened with my own spirit, have turned their backs on me and forsaken me by becoming enemies of my cross. 'Will you also go away?' Will you also desert me by running away from my cross like the worldlings, who thus become so many antichrists? Will you also follow the world; despise the poverty of my cross, in order to seek after wealth; shun the sufferings of my cross, to look for enjoyment; avoid humiliations of my cross in order to chase after the honors of the world? 'There are many who pretend they are friends of mine and protest that they love me, but in their hearts they hate me. I have many friends of my table, but very few of my cross.'"
Saint Louis de Montfort
-Saint Louis de Montfort (1716) was a great French missionary preacher especially renowned for fostering devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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