Give us understanding, my God, of what it is that's given to those who fight valiantly in the dream of this miserable life. Obtain for us, O loving souls, understanding of the joy it gives you to see the eternal character of your fruition, and how it is so delightful to see certainly that it will have no end. Oh, how fortunate we are, my Lord! For we believe in everlasting joy and known the truth well; but with so pronounced a habit of failing to reflect on these truths, they have already become so foreign to our souls that these souls neither know about them nor desire to know about them. O selfish people, greedy for your pleasures and delights; not waiting a short time in order to enjoy them in such abundance, not waiting a year, not waiting a day, not waiting an hour - and perhaps it will take no more than a moment - you lose everything, because of the joy of that misery you see present.
Oh, how little we trust you, Lord! How much greater the riches and treasures you entrusted to us, since after his thirty-three years of great trials and so unbearable and pitiable a death, you have given us your Son; and so many years before we were born! Even knowing that we wouldn't repay you, you didn't want to cease trusting us with such an inestimable treasure, so that it wouldn't be your fault, merciful Father, if we fail to acquire what through him we can obtain from you.
O blessed souls who with this precious price knew so well how to profit and buy an inheritance so delightful and permanent, tell us how you gained such an unending good! Help us, since you are so near the fount; draw water for those here below who are perishing of thirst.
Saint Teresa of Avila
-Saint Teresa of Avila (1582), Doctor of the Church, reformed the Carmelite Order.
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