Hence, my dearest son, fling yourself upon this cross, ask him who died on it for you to enlighten you to know fully, so that plunged deep in knowledge of your own defects, you can be uplifted to know fully the sweetness of divine goodness which seemed incomprehensible to you when, so full of defects as you were, God lifted you up to divine sonship, and promised to be your Father. Do not, therefore, be ungrateful toward him, but strive to accomplish in everything the will of so great and so lovable a Father. For if legitimate sons cannot accomplish what pleases the Father, how will the adulterous ones be able to do so? Adulterous sons are the ones who stray from the discipline of the cross through concupiscence of the flesh. Legitimate sons, on the other hand, are the ones who strive to conform themselves in every way to their teacher and Father who suffered for them. They do so by following him in poverty, suffering, and contempt. For certainly, my dear son, these three things are the basis and the fulfillment of all perfection. For in these three, the soul is truly enlightened, perfected, purged, and most fittingly prepared for divine transformation.
Blessed Angela of Foligno
-Blessed Angela (1309) was a wife and mother who later became a Franciscan tertiary and an esteemed mystical writer.
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