On awaking, enter in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and consecrate to it your body, your soul, your heart, and your whole being, so as to live but for its love and glory alone. Our heart is too small to contain two loves, being made only for divine love, it finds no rest in any other. Divine love suffices to prevent us from willfully doing anything which could displease the Beloved of our souls. Indeed, I cannot understand how a heart that belongs to God and truly wishes to love him, can deliberately offend him. I see more clearly than the day that a life without the love of Jesus Christ is the greatest of all miseries. Let us apply ourselves only to love and to suffer while loving. When we have acquired the perfect knowledge thereof, then we shall know and do all that God wishes for us. Never forget him who died for love of you. You will only love him insofar as you know how to suffer in silence, preferring him to creatures and eternity to time. If we wish to have the love of the divine Heart as our guest, we must empty and detach our heart from its affection for creatures and for ourselves. As it is love alone which produces in us desire of conformity with out Sovereign Master, we can only attain to this conformity by loving him supremely... I love my Sovereign Master and think more of him than of his gifts and benefits, which I esteem only in him and as coming from him. My heart can neither love nor be attached to aught but to him alone. All else is nothing and serves but to hinder the purity of love, and to raise a barrier between the soul and her Beloved. Grant, O my God, that throughout my life, I may love you with true, ardent, and persevering love.
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
-Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1690) was a Visitandine nun to whom the Lord made many revelations of his Sacred Heart.
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