Thursday, May 1, 2008

Christ's Mercy vs. Satan's Bondage

God's mercy must be loved and his justice feared by both the good and the wicked, lest either the good, loving the mercy of God, do not fear his justice and fall into the traps of the devil who seduces, or the wicked, considering only the severity of justice, do not seek the blessing of his mercy when they can find it in their life, and so hardened, not only reject the forgiveness of sins but also do not cease to multiply sins.  The devil frequently captures in this twofold trap those who are not careful so that, either dulled by the vain hope of a future forgiveness, they are unwilling to be converted by the fear of justice, or, in all ways despairing of forgiveness, they neglect their way of living and loosing the reins to wickedness, while they despair of forgiveness, they plunge headlong into hell.  And so that fervid enemy of the human race hurls some down because of reckless despair, but others he trips up with the deception of a false hope.  Wherefore blessed Paul in whom Christ spoke, writing to those who lived good lives, commends their obedience, so that he orders them to act cautiously, with fear and trembling, in their salutary acts.

Saint Fulgentius

-Saint Fulgentius (527) was the bishop of Ruspe and the founder of several monasteries in Africa.

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