Entreaty for sins has the greatest efficacy when accompanied by alms and fasting. Prayer rises up quickly to the ears of God when lifted up by the recommendations of these. Since, as it has been written, "the merciful man benefits his own soul," nothing belongs to each individual more than what has been spent on one's neighbor. Part of those physical resources which are used to help the poor become transformed into eternal riches. Born from this generosity are funds which will not be able to be diminished through use nor damaged through decay. "Blessed are the merciful, for God will have mercy on them." He who constitutes the very exemplar of this precept will also be the sum of their reward...
Be steady then, Christian giver. Give what you receive, sow what you reap, scatter what you collect. Do not fear the cost, do not long after the dubious income. Your property increases by being well spent. Long for the lawful reward of mercy, and pursue the business of the eternal profit. Your benefactor wants you to be the beneficient, and he who gives so that you might have, entrusts it so that you might distribute it, saying: "Give and it will be given to you." You must embrace the condition of this promise and show your gratitude.
Saint Leo the Great
-Saint Leo the Great (461) reigned as pope from 440 to 461. He is a Doctor of the Church.
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